Tag Archives: sustainable energy

Tracker Solar System: A Comprehensive Guide to Solar Panel Tracking Systems

Tracker Solar System

In the ever-evolving world of solar energy, maximizing efficiency and return on investment is paramount. One of the most effective ways to achieve this is through the use of tracker solar systems. These innovative systems have revolutionized how solar panels operate, ensuring they capture the maximum amount of sunlight throughout the day. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the benefits, functionality, and types of tracker solar systems, providing you with valuable insights on how these systems can optimize energy production and boost your solar investment.

What is a Tracker Solar System?

A tracker solar system, commonly referred to as a solar tracker, is a device that orients solar panels towards the sun to harness the maximum possible amount of solar energy. Unlike fixed solar panels, which remain stationary, tracker solar systems move with the sun’s trajectory across the sky. This movement allows the panels to maintain optimal angles to the sunlight, thereby increasing their efficiency and energy output.

Types of Solar Trackers

1. Single-Axis Solar Trackers

Single-axis solar trackers move along one axis, typically following the sun’s east-to-west path. These systems are relatively simple and cost-effective, making them a popular choice for many solar installations. Single-axis trackers can significantly increase energy production compared to fixed systems, although their performance is slightly lower than that of dual-axis trackers.

2. Dual-Axis Solar Trackers

Dual-axis solar trackers, on the other hand, can move along two axes. This means they can adjust not only for the sun’s east-to-west movement but also for its seasonal variations in elevation. By continuously maintaining the optimal angle, dual-axis trackers maximize solar energy capture throughout the year. While they are more expensive and complex than single-axis trackers, the increased efficiency often justifies the investment.

Benefits of Tracker Solar Systems

1. Increased Energy Production

The primary advantage of a tracker solar system is the significant increase in energy production. By following the sun’s path, solar trackers ensure that panels receive direct sunlight for the maximum possible duration each day. Studies have shown that tracker solar systems can boost energy output by 10% to 25% for single-axis systems and up to 45% for dual-axis systems compared to fixed-tilt installations.

2. Improved ROI

The increased energy production translates directly into improved return on investment (ROI). Although tracker solar systems require a higher initial investment, the additional energy generated can lead to quicker payback periods and higher overall savings over the lifespan of the system. For commercial and industrial applications, where maximizing efficiency is crucial, the ROI of solar trackers is particularly compelling.

3. Space Optimization

Tracker solar systems make better use of available space. Since the panels are continuously adjusted to face the sun, fewer panels are needed to produce the same amount of energy compared to a fixed system. This can be especially advantageous in areas with limited space or in applications where land use is a concern.

4. Enhanced Performance in Diverse Weather Conditions

Solar trackers are designed to adapt to varying weather conditions. On cloudy or overcast days, trackers can still optimize the angle of the panels to capture diffused sunlight. This adaptability ensures consistent performance and energy production even in less-than-ideal weather.

How Tracker Solar Systems Work

1. Sensors and Controllers

Tracker solar systems are equipped with sensors that detect the position of the sun. These sensors feed data to controllers, which then adjust the position of the solar panels accordingly. Advanced trackers use GPS and astronomical data to predict the sun’s path, ensuring precise and efficient movement.

2. Actuators and Motors

Actuators and motors are responsible for moving the panels. Single-axis trackers typically use linear actuators, while dual-axis trackers may use a combination of linear and rotary actuators. These components must be robust and reliable to withstand constant movement and environmental conditions.

3. Power Source

The power required to operate the tracking system is usually minimal and can be drawn from the solar panels themselves. In most cases, the energy consumed by the tracker is a small fraction of the additional energy produced by the system, making it a highly efficient solution.

Installation and Maintenance

1. Site Assessment

Before installing a tracker solar system, a thorough site assessment is essential. Factors such as the location’s solar irradiance, weather patterns, and terrain must be considered. The site’s topography will influence the type and configuration of the tracker system to be used.

2. Installation Process

The installation of a tracker solar system is more complex than that of a fixed system. It involves setting up the foundation, installing the tracking mechanisms, and mounting the solar panels. Proper alignment and calibration are crucial to ensure optimal performance. It is advisable to work with experienced professionals to achieve a successful installation.

3. Maintenance Requirements

While tracker solar systems are generally reliable, they do require regular maintenance to ensure long-term performance. Routine checks on the sensors, controllers, and actuators are necessary to prevent any issues. Lubrication of moving parts, cleaning of solar panels, and software updates are also part of the maintenance routine.

Applications of Tracker Solar Systems

1. Utility-Scale Solar Farms

Tracker solar systems are widely used in utility-scale solar farms where maximizing energy production is critical. These large installations benefit significantly from the increased efficiency of solar trackers, making them a cost-effective solution for large-scale energy generation.

2. Commercial and Industrial Rooftops

For commercial and industrial rooftops, tracker solar systems offer an excellent way to enhance energy production without the need for additional space. Businesses can reduce their energy costs and improve sustainability by adopting solar trackers.

3. Agricultural Applications

In the agricultural sector, tracker solar systems are used for powering irrigation systems, greenhouse lighting, and other energy-intensive operations. The ability to generate more power from a limited space makes trackers ideal for agricultural applications.


In conclusion, tracker solar systems represent a significant advancement in solar technology, offering substantial benefits in terms of energy production, ROI, and space optimization. Whether for utility-scale solar farms, commercial rooftops, or agricultural applications, the increased efficiency and adaptability of solar trackers make them a valuable investment. As the demand for clean and renewable energy continues to grow, tracker solar systems will play a crucial role in maximizing the potential of solar power.

By understanding the functionality and advantages of tracker solar systems, you can make informed decisions to optimize your solar energy projects. Embrace the future of solar energy with tracker solar systems and unlock the full potential of your solar investment.

Sunlight to Electricity: The Science Behind Solar Energy’s Environmental Impact

Sunlight to Electricity: The Science Behind Solar Energy's Environmental Impact

For decades, solar power has represented the tantalizing promise of clean, renewable energy harvested right from the sun. The potential seems obvious – the sun beams down enough energy in one hour to supply our planet’s energy needs for an entire year. Yet while solar makes up only a tiny fraction of global energy production today, the technology has improved dramatically in efficiency and affordability. We now stand at the cusp of a solar revolution that could truly transform how we power our world. From rooftop solar panels to vast utility-scale solar farms, we finally have the know-how and economics to tap into the sun’s abundant energy. This guide will explore how solar works, the different technologies involved, and the profound environmental benefits of solar. The time has come for solar to shine (Sunlight to Electricity) and lead us to a sustainable energy future.

How Solar Energy Works 

Solar energy originates from the sun’s radiation. The sun is essentially a massive nuclear reactor, fusing atoms together and releasing enormous amounts of energy in the process. This energy radiates outwards in all directions in the form of photons, or particles of light. The sun emits photons across the entire electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to x-rays. Visible light accounts for about 43% of the sun’s total radiation.

Sunlight to Electricity: How Solar Energy Works 

These photons stream towards Earth at the speed of light, taking around 8 minutes and 20 seconds to travel the average distance of 93 million miles from the sun to our planet. Upon reaching the outer limits of Earth’s atmosphere, this radiation interacts with air molecules and is scattered in all directions. Some of the photons are reflected back into space, but many pass through the atmosphere and reach Earth’s surface. 

When sunlight to electricity hits a solar cell or panel, the photons are absorbed by the semiconductor material within the cell. The energy of the photons knocks electrons loose from their atoms, enabling them to flow freely. Metal conductors within the cell collect the electrons and produce an electric current that can then be utilized as electricity. In this way, the sun’s nuclear fusion process provides a constant stream of photons that allow solar panels to generate renewable electricity.

Photovoltaic Solar Panels

Photovoltaic (PV) solar panels are one of the most common ways to harness solar energy. They work by converting sunlight to electricity directly into electricity through the photovoltaic effect. 

Solar photovoltaic-panels

PV panels are composed of many individual solar cells, which are made from thin layers of semiconducting material like silicon. When sunlight to electricity shines on a solar cell, the photons from the light excite electrons in the cell, causing them to break free from their atoms. This generates an electric field within the cell, which forces electrons to flow in a certain direction, producing electricity.

The more intense the sunlight to electricity striking a PV panel, the more electricity it can generate. PV systems work very efficiently even on cloudy days and are highly reliable with a long lifespan. Homes and businesses with rooftop solar PV systems can use the electricity generated to power lights, appliances, and electronics, or it can be fed back into the grid. Utility-scale PV power plants generate massive amounts of solar electricity to distribute across the grid.

With solar panel costs falling dramatically over the past decade, PV electricity has become highly affordable and continues to grow as a major renewable energy source worldwide. PV technology offers a clean, sustainable way to meet our electricity needs.

Storing Solar Energy

One of the biggest challenges with solar power is developing efficient and affordable ways to store the energy for later use. Unlike fossil fuels, sunlight to electricity can’t be dispatched on demand 24/7. Energy storage helps overcome solar’s intermittent nature.

Storing Solar Energy

Batteries are the most common solution for residential solar storage. Lithium-ion batteries, like those found in electric vehicles, are gaining popularity. But battery storage adds significant upfront costs to a solar system. Researchers are exploring alternative storage methods, like pumped hydro and compressed air storage, but affordable large-scale solutions remain elusive. 

The “duck curve” illustrates the storage problem facing utilities. As solar energy floods the grid during midday, net load crashes. But in the evening as solar fades, net load ramps up rapidly. This drastic transition requires utilities to have standby power plants ready to dispatch as solar generation declines. Widespread energy storage could help flatten the duck curve.

Innovations in battery tech, like solid-state batteries, could make storage cheaper and more efficient. But regulatory frameworks also need to evolve to support storage adoption. Storage remains solar’s missing link for 24/7 renewable energy.

Solar Thermal Power

Solar thermal power harnesses the sun’s energy in the form of heat. Unlike photovoltaics that directly convert sunlight to electricityinto electricity, solar thermal relies on heat transfer and steam to generate power. 

The most common type of solar thermal power plant uses a system called concentrated solar power (CSP). CSP uses mirrors or lenses to concentrate a large area of sunlight to electricityonto a small receiver. The concentrated light heats up the receiver, which contains a heat-transfer fluid that can reach very high temperatures. The superheated fluid then flows through a heat exchanger where it produces steam to spin a turbine and generate electricity.

CSP plants allow for thermal energy storage by heating up a storage medium during times of sunlight. The hot storage medium can then continue to produce steam after sunset. This gives CSP an advantage over PV in that it can provide electricity on demand, day and night. With sufficient thermal storage, CSP plants can operate similar to traditional power plants while still harnessing the clean power of the sun.

The future is bright for CSP technology and its role in transitioning our energy infrastructure. With thermal energy storage and fossil fuel hybridization, CSP can provide reliable renewable electricity to meet our growing energy demands.

Rooftop Solar 

Rooftop solar refers to solar panels installed on the roofs of homes, businesses, and other buildings to generate electricity. Rooftop solar provides a clean, renewable source of power that reduces reliance on the grid. There are two main types of rooftop solar installations:

Residential Rooftop Solar 

In India, homeowners are increasingly adopting rooftop solar to reduce their electricity bills and minimize their carbon footprint. The most common residential systems are 3-8 kilowatts and can supply 50-70% of a home’s energy needs. The upfront cost of purchasing and installing a system ranges from ₹ 2,50,000 to ₹ 3,50,000, but homeowners can recoup costs relatively quickly through electricity bill savings and government incentives. Key benefits of residential rooftop solar include energy independence, protection from utility rate hikes, increased home value, and minimizing environmental impact.

Commercial Rooftop Solar 

Indian businesses are ramping up rooftop solar installations to save on operating costs and meet sustainability goals. Commercial rooftop systems tend to be larger than residential, ranging from 10 kilowatts to megawatt-scale. The solar array size depends on the building’s energy demand and available roof space. Commercial solar delivers attractive returns on investment through utility savings and revenue from selling excess power back to the grid. Rooftop solar allows businesses to power operations with clean energy, reduce overhead, hedge against fossil fuel price volatility, and boost brand image.

Utility-Scale Solar

Solar power can be harnessed at a large scale through solar farms and power plants to generate electricity for widespread residential and commercial use. Solar farms consist of thousands of ground-mounted solar panels spread over large plots of land. Some can be as large as several hundred acres. These utility-scale solar installations feed solar electricity directly into the grid, supplying power to thousands of homes, businesses, schools, and other facilities at once. 

The solar power plants utilize mirrors to concentrate sunlight to electricity onto a central tower containing a heat transfer fluid. The intense heat converts the fluid into steam to spin turbines and generate electricity. Some key benefits of utility-scale solar plants are:

– Generate bulk solar power to meet large-scale electricity needs 

– Economies of scale make it a more cost-effective solar application

– Can provide power to remote towns and cities via transmission lines

– Require large vacant plots of inexpensive land 

– Creates solar energy jobs for construction and O&M

With plenty of open space and abundant sunshine, solar farms and plants are an ideal renewable energy solution for large populations. The modular nature also allows incremental capacity expansion as demand grows.

Solar Energy Economics

The economics of solar power have changed dramatically over the last decade, making it an increasingly affordable and viable energy solution. Here are some key factors related to the costs, incentives, and policies around solar energy:

Installation Costs

The average cost to install a residential solar system in India is around Rs. 2,50,000-Rs. 3,50,000 before incentives, depending on system size. Prices have dropped significantly as technology improves and more players enter the market. Many homeowners are able to recoup installation costs in 4-7 years through electricity savings.

Tax Incentives

In India, the government encourages rooftop solar installations through the ‘Rooftop Solar Scheme’ or the ‘PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana’, offering subsidies to homeowners. For commercial installations, businesses can claim the Input Tax Credit (ITC) on the installation and commissioning costs.

Net Metering

India’s net metering policies allow homeowners to receive credit for surplus electricity generated by their solar systems and fed back into the grid, making solar installations more affordable. The latest regulations permit net metering for loads up to 500 kilowatts (kW) or the sanctioned load, whichever is lower, and gross metering for loads above 500 kW.

Solar Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs)

RECs in India are market-based instruments that promote renewable energy and facilitate compliance with renewable purchase obligations (RPO). They provide additional income to solar producers for every 1,000 kWh produced. The value of RECs fluctuates based on market supply and demand, enhancing the return on investment for solar installations.

Decreasing Equipment Prices

Solar panel prices have dropped 90% since 2010, partly due to economies of scale as production expands. Lower solar cell and equipment costs make installations more cost-effective.

In summary, solar power has become much more economically viable thanks to incentives, falling costs, and innovative financing models. Policies that support solar adoption are crucial for continued growth.

Environmental Benefits of Solar Energy

Transitioning to solar power provides immense environmental advantages over traditional fossil fuel-based energy systems. Some of the key benefits of sunlight to electricity include:

Cleaner Air Quality

Burning fossil fuels like coal and natural gas to generate electricity results in harmful air pollutants like sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, mercury, and more. These emissions contribute to smog, acid rain, and poor air quality that poses risks to public health. 

In contrast, solar energy produces electricity without emitting air pollutants. Widespread adoption of solar can significantly improve air quality and related environmental issues. Studies have shown that increased solar capacity can reduce sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides emissions comparable to taking millions of cars off the roads.

Water Conservation

Thermal power plants in India, which primarily rely on fossil fuels, consume a significant amount of water for cooling and steam generation. It’s estimated that the Indian power sector withdraws a substantial portion of the country’s freshwater, with a large share going towards thermoelectric cooling.

Solar photovoltaic systems, on the other hand, do not require water to generate electricity. This attribute of solar power is particularly advantageous in regions of India where water scarcity is a pressing issue. Rooftop solar installations enable households to produce their own electricity while preserving precious water resources.

Sustainable and Renewable

Solar energy is a renewable resource – the sun’s radiation will continue to shine for billions of years. Once a solar system is installed, it converts sunlight to electricityinto electricity with minimal ongoing costs and without depleting resources. This positions solar energy as one of the most sustainable long-term solutions for electricity generation in India.

In contrast, fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas are finite and unsustainable. These reserves took millions of years to form, and once exhausted, cannot be replenished on a human timescale. The renewable nature of solar power alleviates the pressure on India’s finite natural resources.

Future of Solar

The future of solar power continues to be promising as researchers strive to enhance efficiency and devise new technologies.

Improving Efficiency

There are multiple ways to boost the efficiency of solar panels, including the use of multi-junction cells, concentrating photovoltaics (CPV), and nanotechnology.

Multi-junction cells consist of several layers of semiconductor materials to absorb a broader spectrum of light. This can raise efficiency to over 40%, compared to the current efficiency of up to 24.1% for standard silicon cells. CPV systems employ lenses and curved mirrors to focus sunlight to electricityonto smaller, highly efficient solar cells. This concentrated light enables the cells to achieve efficiencies above 40%.

Nanotechnology employs nano-scale structures like quantum dots to capture light and convert it into energy. By manipulating materials at the molecular level, nanotech aims to push the boundaries of solar cell efficiency.

Emerging Technologies

Exciting new solar technologies are emerging, such as solar paint, transparent solar panels, and solar windows. Solar paint contains nano-particles that absorb sunlight to electricityto generate electricity, potentially turning any surface into a solar panel. Transparent panels can be installed on windows to produce power while still allowing light to pass through. Solar windows take it a step further and are constructed out of transparent photovoltaic cells.

Advanced solar technologies like floating solar farms, solar roads, and space-based solar power may further broaden our use of this renewable resource. The future of solar energy is limited only by human innovation.

One of the most promising developments in solar technology is the use of perovskite tandem solar cells. These cells layer traditional silicon with materials that share a unique crystal structure. When silicon and perovskites work together in tandem solar cells, they can utilize more of the solar spectrum, producing more electricity per cell. Perovskite tandem cells have already exceeded 33% efficiency in the lab.

However, it’s important to note that while these technologies hold great promise, their practical application and commercial viability are still under development.

Contact us today at +91-8320095024 or visit www.soleosenergy.com to learn more about Solar Energy! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to start your solar journey!

solarize bharat solar panel

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Soleos Solar Energy!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar energy!

Soleos Shines Bright at Inter Solar India 2024, Ignites Solarize Bharat Pledge


At the recently concluded Inter Solar India 2024 held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat (February 21-23), Soleos Solar Energy illuminated the event with their impressive presence. This leading Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) company not only showcased their diverse solar solutions but also garnered overwhelming support for their Solarize Bharat Pledge, a powerful initiative advocating for India’s transition to clean energy.

Highlighting Expertise at Inter Solar India:

Visitors flocked to Soleos booth (Hall No. 2, Stall No. J161) eager to explore their comprehensive range of solar solutions, including:

  • Rooftop Solar: Turn your roof into a mini power plant!
  • Solar Parks: Big solar projects for big power needs.
  • Groundmount Solar: Solar panels that sit on the ground.
  • Solar Carports: Park your car in the shade and generate electricity at the same time.
  • Captive Solar: Make your own power and stop relying on the grid.
  • Third-Party Sale: Make power, sell it, and make money.
  • Group Captive Solar: Work with others to make solar power together.

Beyond Solutions:

Soleos Solar Energy also showed how they help their customers every step of the way, from investing in solar to insuring and financing their systems, and even managing the whole thing.

Solarize Bharat Pledge – A Beacon of Change:

The true highlight was the overwhelming support for the Solarize Bharat Pledge at Inter Solar India. This initiative aims to accelerate India’s solar adoption by encouraging individuals and communities to embrace clean energy. Visitors enthusiastically signed the pledge, demonstrating their commitment to a sustainable future.


Soleos Solar Energy’s success at Inter Solar India 2024 solidified their position as a trusted partner for all your solar needs and a strong advocate for sustainable energy. Their dedication to innovation, quality, customer service, and environmental responsibility resonates with individuals and businesses alike.

Contact us today at +91-8320095024 or visit www.soleosenergy.com to learn more about how to choose the best solar business model for your company! Feel free to reach out with any questions or to start your solar journey!

solarize bharat solar panel

Take the next step in renewable energy by joining the Solarize Bharat pledge. Imagine your business not just as an entity benefiting from solar power but as a contributor to a nationwide movement, shaping the future of energy in our incredible nation.

Stay tuned for more exciting developments from Soleos Solar Energy!

P.S.: Share this blog with fellow solar enthusiasts to spread the word about the exciting world of solar energy!

Solarize Bharat: Ignite Pioneering Transformation for a Radiant Tomorrow

Solarize Bharat

Hello, bright minds of Bharat! In a nation where every sunrise holds the promise of a new day, there’s a revolution quietly taking place—one powered by the very essence of our vibrant land: The Sun. Enter Solarize Bharat, a movement by Soleos Solar Energy that’s not just transforming rooftops; it’s changing the way we envision and consume energy.

Solarize Bharat: A Desi Solution for Desi Needs

Imagine harnessing the power of Surya Deva to light up our homes, power our industries, and propel our progress. Solarize Bharat is doing just that! It’s not just a pledge; it’s a vibrant celebration of our solar-rich heritage and a step towards an energy-independent India.

Key Objectives:

  1. Surya Namaskar for Your Homes
    • Solarize Bharat is on a mission to make every Indian home a powerhouse. Learn how your humble abode can embrace solar panels and dance to the rhythm of the sun, all while cutting down on those pesky electricity bills.
  2. Soleos: The Bollywood Star of Solar Solutions
    • Soleos Solar Energy, the hero of this story, brings a Bollywood twist to solar solutions. Think of them as the Shah Rukh Khan of the solar industry—passionate, committed, and here to steal the show with sustainable energy.

Benefits of Riding the Solar Wave (Solarize Bharat):

  1. Saving More Than Just Paisa:
    • Solarize Bharat is not just about saving money; it’s about saving our beautiful planet. Join the movement, and let’s show Mother Earth some love.
  2. Solarize Bharat, Desi Style:
    • Did you know that Solarize Bharat is not just an initiative; it’s a celebration of our diverse culture? Discover how solar energy aligns seamlessly with our values and traditions.

Challenges and Future Bollywoodesque Drama:

Yes, every blockbuster has its challenges, but the hero always prevails. Dive into the drama as Solarize Bharat battles the villains of traditional energy and emerges victorious, setting the stage for a sequel—Solarize Bharat 2.0.

Lights, Camera, Solar Action!

As the curtains fall on this blog, it’s your time to shine. Be the hero your country needs. Join the Solarize Bharat initiative and take the pledge for a brighter, cleaner, and more sustainable India. After all, we’re not just witnessing a revolution; we’re starring in it.

Ready for your close-up with solar energy? Click here to take the Solarize Bharat pledge. Lights, camera, solar action—it’s your time to shine!

Soleos Unveils New Generation Solar Panel: Powerful, Unique, and Futuristic!

New Generation Solar Panel

Soleos, one of the world’s leading EPC service providers, has recently introduced its unrivalled solar panel- ANTARES BI 144.

Recognizing the latest advancements and development in the energy sector, the company launched its sought-after solar panel module.

Technical Specifications and Performance

The recently-launched product offers increased efficiency to optimize space and lower overall system costs. This 182 and 212 mm cell ultra-high power module falls in the mono-crystalline silicon category and features the latest PERC Solar cells with high transmission energy.

Exceptional Features

The solar panel project ANTARES BI 144 provides top-level energy output of 21.5 per cent. It withstands wind loads up to 2.4 kPa and snow loads up to 5.5 kPa. In addition, the solar panel product ANTARES BI 144 has high radiation transmission capacity and tends to be proof against the adverse effects of sunlight.

Bifacial Technology (Solar Panel) for Increased Output

The newly launched solar panel project also features a bifacial solar panel with dual glass technology, aiming to intensify the output up 10-15 per cent from the capacity of 400 watts to 700 watts, with a 70 per cent bifacially factor. This solar panel maximizes the kWh output per unit area and boasts German technology manufacturing facility.

Founder’s Perspective on ANTARES BI 144 (Solar Panel)

Talking about the launch of the solar panel project, the company’s founder says, “We are extremely delighted to announce the new solar panel project ANTARES BI 144. With the introduction of our newly launched project, we have ensured to offer exceptional technical specifications and unique features to our clientele. From offering fresh designs, and top-level energy output to excellent generation performance backed by financial guarantees, and much more, we are aiming to provide our clients with the best kind of solar energy solutions. So, if you are looking forward to new-age technology and revolutionary experience, you are in the right place”.

Soleos Journey and Global Impact

Incorporated in 2012 under the able leadership of Bhavesh Kumar Rathod, the company has founded its strong roots in providing clients with cutting-edge, affordable, sustainable, and reliable solar power solutions.

Headquartered in India, (https://www.soleosenergy.com) Soleos now successfully operates in countries like the UK, UAE, Germany, and Africa. The firm has made a dominant position in the modular solution industry with the highest quality solar power plants with the highest performance.

In a short span of time, the organization has developed key competencies in solar design & engineering, supply of solar components, commissioning of solar power plants, and regulatory clearances. To create an ecological and economically sustainable world, the firm is time and again inventing something new. And with the recently launched project, Soleos have initiated a quantum leap in Solar power technology.

The firm Soleos was awarded Asia’s largest Solar Carport in 2016 at Honda, Rajasthan. Besides this, the firm has also achieved 6.5 units/kW generation in a day at Powerpac & Connect Power plants and acquired 8.33% of Gujarat’s market share solely with clients’ trust. With our newly developed solar tracker Soleos have been able to provide 35 per cent additional energy to customer, reducing the cost of electricity drastically.

Click here to take the Solarize Bharat pledge.